Curent state: Advanced state of degradation

Built in: 1884

Country: Romania

City: Bucharest

Street: at the entrance to the Jilava Prison

Type: Fort type 2

Planning specialist: Lt General H.A. Brialmont



Fortul cu traseu pentagonal cu frontul de gât semibastionat

dispunea în centrul fortificației de un reduit în forma unui as de pică înconjurat de un șanț.

Construit în 1884-1895 după planurile avizate de generalul-locotenent H.A. Brialmont.

Armament prevăzut: 2 cupole cu obuziere de 210 mm, 2 cupole cu câte 2 tunuri de 150 mm, 6 turele cu eclipsă cu tunuri T.R. de 57 mm si 17 tunuri T.R. de 57 mm instalate pe „afete de ambrazură”, pentru flancare.


The pentagonal fortification was centered around a spade-shaped redoubt surrounded by a ditch and had the gorge wall reinforced by half-bastions.

It was built after 1884 according to the plans approved by Lt General H.A. Brialmont. Mounted armament: 2 cupolas with 210 mm howitzers, 2 cupolas with two 150 mm guns each, 6 eclipse turrets for 57 mm rapid-fire guns, and 17 flanking 57 mm RF guns mounted on carriages in embrasures.


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