Curent state: Advanced state of degradation

Built in: 1884

Country: Romania

City: Bucharest

Street: The Bucharest Belt Road in Catelu

Type: Fort type 3

Planning specialist: Lt General H.A. Brialmont



Fort cu traseu trapezoidal, cu frontul anterior în linie dreaptă și cel posterior semibastionat, cu înălțimea crestei de foc de 6 m.

Construit în 1884-1895 după planurile avizate de generalul-locotenent H.A. Brialmont.

Armament prevăzut: 2 cupole cu obuziere de 210 mm, 2 cupole cu 2 tunuri de 150 mm, 4 turele cu eclipsă cu tunuri T.R. de 57 mm și 17 tunuri T.R. de 57 mm pentru flancare.


The trapezoidal fort had a straightline anterior front and the gorge wall reinforced by half-bastions. The line of fire stood 6 m high.

It was built after 1884 according to the plans approved by Lt General H.A. Brialmont. Mounted armament: 2 cupolas with 210 mm howitzers, 2 cupolas with two 150 mm guns, 4 eclipse turrets for 57 mm rapid-fire guns and 17 flanking 57 mm RF guns.


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